Two-Day Event Celebrates Shukhov Tower’s 94th Anniversary and
Launch of Petition to Save the Modern Icon
Press Conference to Discuss Issues Facing Shukhov Tower to be Held on March 19
NEW YORK, NEW YORK/MOSCOW, RUSSIA, March 9, 2016— A two-day event will take place on Saturday, March 19, and Sunday, March 20, 2016, in Moscow, Russia, to celebrate Shukhov Tower’s 94th anniversary and the launch of a petition to save the Modern icon, which currently faces the threat of demolition. The tower is on the 2016 World Monuments Watch, World Monuments Fund’s biennial list of at-risk cultural heritage sites around the globe.
Events will include tours of and around the tower, a film screening, fun activities for children, tower reconstruction demonstrations, and more. A press conference on Saturday, March 19, at 3:00 p.m. (Moscow Time Zone) will be held to address Shukhov Tower’s current state. The event coincides with the launch of a petition to President Vladimir Putin on to help save the tower (президент-российской-федерации-спасите-шаболовскую-радиобашню). (Details about each event are listed on page 2.)
Shukhov Tower, known after the name of its designer Vladimir Shukhov (1853-1939), is a landmark in the history of structural engineering. Built between 1919 and 1922, it is an emblem of the creative genius of an entire generation of modernist architects in the years that followed the Russian Revolution. Currently, the tower suffers from corrosion, a process which was accelerated due to inappropriate repairs carried out in the 1970s. The tower also sits close to the center of a growing Moscow, and demand for land, coupled with its poor condition and lack of public access, have led to the looming threat of demolition.
The two-day event is part of Watch Day, a World Monuments Fund initiative that provides the extraordinary cultural heritage sites currently on the World Monuments Watch an opportunity to engage with their local communities to strengthen their appreciation of these important sites. Events are supported wholly or in part by World Monuments Fund.
Joshua David, President and CEO, World Monuments Fund, says: “Watch Day is an opportunity for the Russian community to engage with Shukhov Tower in a way that will help call attention to its current plight. World Monuments Fund joins the Shukhov Tower Foundation, DOCOMOMO Russia, the Constructivist Project, and other local advocates in calling for continued vigilance in the fight to save this icon of modern Russian history.”
Shukhov Tower Watch Day Schedule
All events take place or start at the Avant-Garde Center (24-2, Serpukhovsky Val, Moscow).
All times are Moscow Time Zone.
March 19, 2016
12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
TOURS in Russian and English: “Avant-Garde around the Tower”
Tours start at the “Shabolovka” Moscow metro station entrance from 12:00 a.m. every 30-40 minutes with last tour starting at 2:15 p.m.
INSTAMEET: Participants on the tours of Shukhov Tower are encouraged to take photos and share them on Instagram by tagging @WorldMonumentsFund and @theconstructivistproject and using the hashtags #2016WMWatch and #ShukhovTowerWatchDay. A selection of Instagram photos of Shukhov Tower taken and published on Shukhov Tower Watch Day will be shared by The Constructivist Project and World Monuments Fund on their social media channels.
3:00 p.m.
PRESS CONFERENCE: Shukhov Tower advocates will address the current state of the tower and discuss the petition to President Vladimir Putin. Participants to include representatives of the World Monuments Fund, Shukhov Tower Foundation, DOCOMOMO Russia, ICOMOS, Archnadzor and others to be announced.
5:00 p.m.
FILM SCREENING: “Владимир Шухов. России главный инженер” (“Vladimir Shukhov. Russia’s Main Engineer”), 2010. Running time: 26 minutes.
5:30 p.m.
CELEBRATION OF SHUKHOV TOWER’S 94th ANNIVERSARY: refreshments and snacks will be served.
March 20, 2016: “Что придумал Шухов” (“What Did Shukhov Invent?”)
5:00 p.m.
BOOK PRESENTATION: “Что придумал Шухов” by Airat Bagautinov, author of Moscow Through Engineer’s Eye (Art-Volkhonka, 2016), with participation of co-authors and publisher.
6:00 p.m.
SHUKHOV TOWER CONSTRUCTION: demonstration of assembling a mini-model of the Shukhov Tower, with Moscow Through Engineer’s Eye.
ART ACTIVITIES: art activities for children with Suprematicus.
World Monuments Watch
The World Monuments Watch is a biennial initiative that was launched in 1996 with support from founding sponsor American Express to call international attention to cultural heritage around the globe threatened by the forces of nature or the impact of social, political, and economic change. For many historic sites, inclusion on the Watch provides an opportunity to raise public awareness, foster local participation in preservation, leverage resources for conservation, advance innovation and collaboration, and demonstrate effective solutions. Since its inception, the Watch has provided support for more than 600 sites, and has become a powerful vehicle for understanding and addressing the range of challenges confronting the field of heritage conservation today. Visit for more information, and connect with us on,, and
Press Contact:
For World Monuments Fund: Daniela Stigh, +1-646-424-9582 or
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